Welcome to Riders Anonymous

Riders Anonymous is a Surf, Snow, Skate Blog that showcases the talents of various photographers and writers from around the country. Each contributor is personally invited to join for their skills and also to represent the area in which they live. You can leave comments on there posts to talk about their stories and photos.

We encourage all contributions and they may be sent to matariki@hotmail.co.nz

Way of the Bird

Way of the Bird
By Andrew Kidman & Andy Davis

In a world of mass produced similarity and disposable style the "different" can just be the new trend,
therefore ripe for the above treatment..Sometimes tho different can't be grasped by the marketing men
they just don't get it...
This book falls into this genre it is targeted for "surf children" ,yeah a bedtime book with a "Aloha" spirit,
board riding bent ? yeah the "duke's" great message of giving-receiving , loving and riding.
Damn it's got me thinking of the deprived childhood we had listening to the brothers grimm and treasure island. No really it's a great book,containing all the required ingredients ;short enough for a bedtime read and dream inducing pictures combining master photographer Andrew Kidmans photo's with Andy Davis's drawings
a partnership which works as good as fish & chips after a surf !
Now we come to the books downfall "the cloud in every silver lining" ,
Arguments i can see a few happening around this book, 'grommet' wants it in the bedroom and
you want it on the coffee table..
Mum's gonna have to put her 'foot down' so remember to act like an adult when the grommet gets their way.
Seriously a great book, at about $40 its not cheap and i don't think you'll ever find it in the bargain bin,
But it could be the best book you ever read to the kids.

Rating: 5/5

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