September Cover Volume1 Issue 9
This cover is an accident that almost didn't come about. After shooting of the Patiki Rocks at Piha I almost deleted this image. The sun was directly in my sight when I shot this, and I couldn't filter it in Photoshop. I then was playing around with the image and hit the wrong button which turned the image into a blood red, dark feel. I loved the image and played with the thought of it being a cover. I posted it as a signature on the forum and then I got the comments I was looking for. Within a week I had pulled the image as comments came flooding in to use it for a cover.
This is issue is by far the most complete issue thus far, making it the best. Inside this issue are articles from people all over the world and images from both the mountain and the ocean. The article headed 'How Big is it?' is my best and most fun piece of writing. I loved putting a sartircal twist upon such an important topic in surfing around the world. The picture below was posted but was too small to read what it said so feel free to answer this question in the comments box below.Just a final note: This is me, attacking a cornice out in the Glacier at Turoa. I dropped higher up and bottom turned before unleashing this big hack into the lip. I love this shot it reminds me of the retro images from the early ninties. NZ Surfing Magazine had the exact opposite of this shot on their cover. The guy was surfing in boardshorts and was a goofy footer on his frontside. The captured pose of the surfer is exactly the same, facial expressions and all.